Clink Street Publishing is a publishing house aiming to blend the great elements of traditional publishing with the best bits of self publishing. This is sometimes called hybrid publishing and we have been the leading publisher in the UK since 2009. As the publishing industry evolved, we wanted to create an imprint that continues to give authors creative freedom, generous royalty returns and complete ownership of every inch of their books, whilst providing support and guidance, strong design and editorial values, brilliant distribution and expert publicity and marketing. Our authors deserve to have quality books with commercial appeal, editorial integrity, excellent branding and design, and for them to be creatively and throughly promoted.
We want our authors to feel like they’re part of a family. Even though they’re self publishing, Clink Street’s team are on hand at all times, just as a traditional agent or publisher should be, to answer questions and to play an active role in the shelf life of our books, even long after they have launched.
Clink Street strives to empower authors, helping them to publish professionally — whether their aim is to self publish in the long-term or to secure a traditional publishing deal by demonstrating the commercial viability of their work.
Clink Street is selective. If we don’t think an author’s book is ready for publication or is perhaps too niche in appeal to necessitate the author investing in it financially, then we will say so. There are lots of free and DIY publishing options available online; Clink Street isn’t one of them. We say no to bad covers, no to lazy typesetting, no to masses of stock, no to poor distribution and publicity. Instead, Clink Street authors say yes to beautiful covers, proper editing, quality production, months of PR and marketing support and a royalty rate of 75% of net receipts on all sales, with no lock-ins. We’re also working on partnerships with independent bookstores so that our authors’ books can be bought in bricks-and-mortar stores.
If you’d like to have a chat with us about your book, please email and we can arrange a call.

All authors — whether they are traditionally or self published — are paid a percentage of net receipts; that’s the bit left over once the retailer and the distributor have taken their cut. Most traditionally published authors receive around 10-20% of their net receipts; some ebook publishers give 50%. Clink Street authors get 75% of their net receipts regardless of where their books are sold.


'There's nothing worse than a bad cover, people do judge a book by its cover, and many self published books have bad covers' - Diego Marano, Kobo
People do judge a book by its cover. It's no good going to iStock, grabbing the first image you see and putting it on a book. A good book cover is all about branding, it takes into account your book's genre, the market and the audience; it should be powerful and captivating. Each cover that we design for a Clink Street author is unique, it takes us around four weeks to design two concepts and from them we take one through to the final design.
We know that our authors need to compete with established authors from major publishing houses. their covers need to do the same.
We are proud of our covers, we love them. We hope you do to.

We think it's really important that every author understands how the costs and profit in their book breaks down. But it's surprising how few publishers share this information with writers.
Any publisher and self publisher worth their salt should be able to tell you how much your book will retail for and how much money you will get for each copy that sells before you even decide to work with them. If they won't tell you this, chances are they're keeping something from you.
If you know your word count (MS Word will tell you), we can tell you how many pages your book will be once published and, therefore, both the approximate RRP and the amount of royalty you will receive on every copy!
eBooks are very similar to the pie chart on the right (albeit with smaller money values as an ebook might have a RRP of £2.99). Whilst there is no print cost per se, there is the retailers cut, VAT, Amazon commission and distributor's commission etc.
The pie chart on the right gives you an idea how the RRP for every book/ebook breaks down. As you can see, no secret revenue inserted for us. Ethical and transparent.

All Clink Street paperbacks and ebooks are distributed globally (powered by market leaders Ingram) and sold online through all leading retailers, including those below.
Distribution is crucial, when it works well, you won't notice it. When it doesn't, it can become the bane of your life. You do not want to order hundreds or thousands of copies of your book and have that stock sat in your garage. Let us take care of the distribution and shipping for you.

Alexa in Denver orders your book from Amazon; it is printed the same day and shipped domestically, arriving 48 hours later.

Geoff in Sydney buys your book on Booktopia. The paperback arrives a few days later.
You're at home having a cup of tea in Harrogate.

One at a time.
That sounds crazy, doesn't it! But it's true. As one book is ordered - say by someone on Amazon - the order is placed in seconds, it works out the nearest print operation, the book is printed and then shipped. It takes just a few seconds to print a paperback or hardback book. And your custmer receives their book in the post a couple of days later, just like any book.
This is called Print On Demand technology. And everyone's using it.
What are the advantages?
1. No stock - which is expensive and burdensome - you don't ever want to buy 500 or more copies upfront.
2. 1 book ordered, 10 books ordered, 1000 books ordered - no problem - all printed and shipped individually.
3. No upfront cost to you.
4. Never go out of stock.
5. Incredible international distribution and you don't have to life a finger.
Want to see the printing in action? Check out the video below.

All Clink Street paperbacks are typeset by us. Care and attention is taken with each book, making sure that multiple errors and sloppy design is avoided.
Once a book is typeset and you have a interior proof of the finished book, making changes at that late stage in production are trickier and time-consuming.
Because we do this in-house, we usually have no more than one round of revisions and we try to do this inside a week. To use the old carpenter's analogy, measure twice, cut once.

The proof is in the pudding (or rather, in the reading!)
Books by Clink Street authors consistently get between four and five star reviews. Readers love our authors' ecclectic novels and their engaging stories.

If you would like to publish with Clink Street, or want to know more about how we work with authors, please fill in the form below and tell us about what you have been writing. One of our friendly team will be in touch shortly.
Clink Street Publishing
71-75 Shelton St,
Covent Garden,
London, WC2H 9JQ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7993 8225