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Launched: 12th Jan., 2016


Paperback, eBook

274 pages

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The Feiquon Heist

Book Description                                                                                                Real Life   Biography   Non Fiction

"Three people, three problems, one solution. That's why the three of us have to rob this bank. What's more, we have to do it tonight!" The colossal roll of thunder that roared from the night sky, close above, shaking the floor and rattling the windows in their frames did nothing to steady Kheng's frayed nerves or suppress his increasing anxiety as he cautiously led his co-conspirators through the dark corridors of the Maklai Provincial Bank. Still, once they'd made it through to the safe room, all they had to do was take the money that they needed and make their way back out. It was a simple plan, and would solve the ever-growing burden of problems that had been forming since Old Papa Han had passed away. It had never occurred to Kheng that his co-conspirators might have some very different ideas of their own about how the robbery should eventually play out. He was even less aware that he was far from alone in his attempts to capitalise on the evolving circumstances of recent weeks. Deciding to plan a heist of the provincial bank in a sleepy backwater town in South East Asia wasn't going to be the straightforward solution that Kheng had imagined, even if he did have the advantage of being the bank's longest- serving night guard.


"Gentle shades of sharp humour pervade this terrific yarn about a insider job on a provincial bank..." - January 2016

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